Mokoomba release their 3rd album “Tusona: Tracings in the Sand”

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Mokoomba this week released their 3rd studio album Tusona: Tracings in the Sand.

An album recorded entirely in a DIY fashion during the pandemic, showcasing their unique Zimbabwean sound and honouring their deep respect for tradition. The 13 track project features 10 original tracks with three remixes from Luyando for extras.

“Tusona” pays homage to the Luvale tradition of using signs and symbols drawn in the sand during initiation ceremonies. It represents Mokoomba’s artistic growth and reflects their collective experiences over the years, forging a distinctive musical identity.

The album is a follow up project to Luyando, which came out in 2017. Mokoomba is made up six members. They have lead vocalist Mathias Muzaza who is gifted with a soaring voice that often defines their performances. There is also guitarist Trustworth Samende, bass player Abundance Mutori, keyboard player Phathisani Moyo, percussionist Miti Mugande and drummer Ndaba Coster Moyo, who often join in with singing.

Tusona: Tracings in the Sand tracklist:
Tamvela Mama
Nzara Hapana
Kulundiswe (remix)
Njawane (remix)
Kamukanda (remix)

The album is a testament to Africa’s guitar band heritage and disproves the notion that Africa’s musical output is solely producer-based. Mokoomba’s music resonates with the heartbeat and rhythm of a community connected through their music, serving as a source of rejuvenation, resilience, and strength in these changing times.

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