A few months ago this publication was excited to launch its inaugural segment called His House Review, routine reports and observatory pieces where we share the unvarnished truth about a church from the perspective of an outsider, paying particular attention to its history, doctrine, reception, punctuality, service proceedings, offertories, Praise & Worship and any other things that may come into the surface during our visit.
This week it is with the same delight that we introduce our newest column, Minister Of The Week. With this, we will bring to you dear readers a compendium of highlights from any outstanding church minister from the five-fold ministers, who might have gotten our attention either by their sermons, prophecies, teachings, deliverances or testimonies from confirmed church sources.
With that being said, adorning the maiden edition of Minister Of The Week is a young Harare-based prophet and founder of Jesus Generation International Ministries, Prophet Edd Branson.
The prophet is famed for his forensic prophecies’ that apparently defy logic and has earned him the name The Specialist or Officer Prophet from his legion of followers. He also prefers to call himself a “breaking news” seer as he frequently reveals imminent events to his flock.
A tender-hearted man of the cloth, Prophet Edd is full of surprises; whether he is coming out to a church service donning an outfit that looks like a police uniform or turning out in rags to see if there is anyone among his followers who would pay any mind to panhandlers.
So, here are some features from Prophet Edd’s Sunday, 5 August 2018 service.
Legal Case Exposed!
As the Man of God was ministering, he moves to the back of the church and points at a lady.
“You lady, there in headband, Come, l want to fulfil your case. Who invited you?” asked Prophet.
“I came alone but my friend told me,” she replies.
“He is so handsome, what’s his name?” asked Prophet as he enquires about the lady’s child.
“Jayden,” she says.
“I want to help your mother, should l help her, okay that’s a yes,” he communicates with the child.
“There is something that is possessing you. You need deliverance. Samora Machel, pass intersection, before OK, BMC, turn right, there is a road that goes down, l am in front of a huge house and gate. This is where your problem is and this house is about to be taken from you,” said the Prophet.
“It’s my house,” she said in confirmation.
“A man with a funny tattoo here (as he shows where) appeared to me, it’s on his buttock. He is your ex-boyfriend. Where does he live?” asked Prophet.
“Belvedere,” she responds in shock.
“He is at OK right now and bought something’s, l heard Acrum,” said Prophet.
Confirming this she shouts “Yes that’s his name”.
“There is a magistrate who is about to hit this case,” continued the Prophet.
“Yes, it’s true,” she said with tears in her eyes.
“Do you want your house?” asked Prophet.
“Yes I want my house, help me please.”
“The problem is you fell in love too deep and you don’t value yourself. You are everywhere, that’s why he took advantage, you know what am talking about,” said Prophet Edd.
Hiding away she responds, “Yes Papa”.
“Your house was in trust but it was changed to another by this guy.”
“Yes,” confirmed the lady.
“Come let me pray for you.”
The man of God prays for her. She is delivered and the church awaits her testimony.

How Wife Mysteriously Died!
“Outpouring, outpouring what is it?” Lilly, Lilly, what is it? Why am I not seeing children? ” Prophet Edd asked a man seated on the front row of the church.
“Yes Papa! It is a church in South Africa,” the man answered.
“You once took your wife to a place called Naba Naba. There is a certain woman who gave you pap to eat. Ever since you ate it your lives went sour. There is a lady called Tsegofatso who bewitched your wife. Sir, I want to pray for you, I want God to intervene in your ministry because there is a lot of Satanisms.
“You are a man of God and not an Apostle but a Prophet. They killed your wife and they also want to kill your current wife. Why am I seeing a place called Gethsemane?,” Prophet Edd inquired.
“Papa, I bought a farm, and I called it Gethsemane, and yes papa my wife was sick for 19 years before she died,” the man confirmed.
“Today I declare mental illness over all people that conspired and killed your wife. Let your ministry be set free and as of now you are a Prophet of God, let your eyes be open,” the prophet prayed and delivered the man.
“Thank you Jesus! I receive,” the man glorified God!

Prophecy on Botswana and Family Deliverance
Walking towards a woman seated in the International Visitors section, Prophet Edd says;
“I spoke about Botswana that people are going to die like rats because of Satanism. The address is their people are being found dead everywhere.”
“Yes, someone l know was beheaded, and the body was found elsewhere,” the lady said.
Prophet Edd continues, “They want to take as much blood as possible. I saw a girl who was running a marathon dying again. If it hasn’t happened yet, it is going to happen. Botswana you have all the information.”
Now pointing to the lady he says, “What do you want God to do for you?”
“Family deliverance and financial breakthrough,” she responds.
“Where is your mother?” asked Prophet.
“In Botswana,” she says.
“There is a nurse that is fighting your mother,” said the Prophet.
Moving towards her Prophet Edd lays hands on her declaring her free and proclaiming a blessing upon her life.
“It is done,” says Prophet as he moves away from her.

“Lady with a red jacket stand up. What do you want God to do for you?” Prophet Edd asked.
” I am sick and I am always weeping,” she answered, in a rather whizzing high-pitched voice.
“They said I have asthma.”
“The person who diagnosed you is called Arnold. The problem is not anywhere, it is here,” Prophet Edd said pointing to her stomach.
“Come, let me heal you. Breathe in, breathe out, watch this, it’s coming out! She was going to die prematurely that’s why God brought her here. You are free in Jesus’ mighty name!,” Prophet Edd declared.
“Thank you Jesus!”, she praised God.

Rudo’s Testimony of Provision
Last year, l could not afford to pay my child’s school fees. As such, she did not attend her first year of High School for the first quarter of the year because of this. I came to Jesus Generation International Ministries in March this year. By the grace upon this place, I have seen changes in our lives. When the staff at the Junior School my daughter used to go to learned that she was not in school, they offered to pay for her High School tuition. She was enrolled for her first year in the second term. Furthermore, and to the Glory of God, although she started late, she passed all her subjects with flying colours and excelled.

Precious’ Testimony
On the night of the Eclipse, Prophet Edd Branson declared a Warfare Prayer, instructing us to pray vigorously for the preservation of life. I followed this instruction. On that same night, a swarm of bees entered my house and settled in my lounge. My son and I lit newspapers and burnt the bees. We slept that night, thinking that the bees were gone. The next morning we woke up, realising that the swarm of bees had grown even bigger and more fierce than before. It took us three days of searching for exterminators who could remove the bees.
But in these three days, no one in my household was stung. Brethren, I’m sure we know what bees can do. Death was a possibility, but not a single member of my household was stung. Not even by one bee. I’d like to thank God. Our lives were preserved and today we testify to the glory of God.

Mutsawashe’s Testimony of Healing
Last Sunday, I came to church with a picture of my grandmother, with the faith that the Prophet of God would locate her. She had been in the hospital for a while. The doctors had diagnosed Pneumonia and had given her only 2 days to live. To the Glory of God, Prophet Edd Branson located me and spoke life over my grandmother. I am here to testify that the word of God has come to pass. My grandmother was discharged from the hospital three days ago. She is well and healthy.

Source: Prophet Edd Branson’s Facebook Page