Magacha Eyes New Beginning! 

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Award-winning and well-travelled gospel artist Sabastian Magacha is now eyeing a new chapter in his love life after having amicably walked away from his six-year-old marriage with spouse Nomsa Ndikumwe-Magacha.

Yesterday, the once celebrated beautiful gospel couple finally obtained decrees of divorce at the High Court following nullification of their marriages by Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo.

The two separated traditionally in May this year and then it was Nomsa who, sometimes last month, petitioned the High Court to end their union, claiming she had lost love and affection for the musician and that the union was beyond restoration.

The couple signed a consent paper which was presented by Nomsah’s lawyer Morris Kuwana.

In his consent paper, the Mweya Mutsvene singer said during the subsistence of their marriage they did not acquire any valuable property and as such, no property sharing issues were raised.

The couple had no children. Read more here: Court Hammers On The Magachas’ Divorce

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