Former Miss Liberia pledges to Support Children & Orphans 

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Former Miss Liberia Bridgette Rouhana who is now Liberia’s Goodwill Ambassador says Children should be prioritize if the country must move forward. “Children are the future of this great country and we must do everything possible in making sure that their lives are protected, and I promised I will do my best as good will Ambassador in representing Liberia on our book both locally and internationally,” She continued: “Liberian Children and orphans should be care for by us, it is our moral responsibility, we can’t leave mortgage opportunity for them, we have all the powers we need to change, we have the power to imagine better and make a difference.”

former-miss-liberia-pledges-to-support-children-and-opharnsShe spoke at the program, in observance of World Orphans Day in West Africa, also speaking Ambassador Sawboh said there is a need for national government to see reasons to help orphans who have been marginalized and depressed of their basic rights due to the lack of support, to set aside a day for orphans in the country.

Source: Liberia: Former Miss Liberia pledges to Support Children and Orphans | African Entertainment

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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