Let Me Explain

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I’m pissed. I usually am all the time. But today is different. I have been sitting outside for the past 5 hours. My house is congested, it’s hot, I’m sober and as usual I’m broke…! I’m pissed, Let Me Explain!

But before I go any further, let me introduce you to the twisted, dumb and proudly outspoken, I. Yes, my name is I and don’t judge me, all inquiries on that matter are to be directed to my parents. I’m jobless and that’s short for, I depend on my parents, my girlfriend is allergic to dates, I don’t call I use WhatsApp (why waste money on airtime when I bought WhatsApp bundles), I act as if I don’t like clubbing and I don’t do BOB’s, I would feel left out. That’s me.

However I am I will assure you that Chill is the Holy Grail I’m not even going to search for. I’m pissed. Let Me Explain why!
So, these distant relatives I have never met in my life are at home. Before you judge me, I don’t have a problem with visitors. But I have a problem with visitors that overstay and they are all the ones who try to act like your parents during their stay. I mean the ones who give you chores in front of your mother and always like to give advice like they are on a Dr Phil episode.

But that’s not really the problem though, so Let Me Explain. My room is currently serving as a motel room for a young couple who are part of this so called blood relations contingent. I chose to liken it to a motel room because of the acts intimacy my bed is being put through. I’m trying not to imagine the scenes and I’m concerned at the state my room is going to be left in. Bloody family!

Damn it is hot! I could have been watching a movie right now but our lounge looks like the sitting area of a prison cafeteria, my mom running around to make sure that everyone is full. I could be cooling myself with a freezit I bought for myself but some kid robbed the fridge. I could be napping right now but my bed smells like a fish farm. I could be in the highest state but I’m broke. F*ck! I’m pissed

I might blow a fuse today. These people are becoming leeches. You have had visitors like that right? The ones whose children become what Jah Prayzah termed ‘Chinamira’, those that invade your privacy and want to be with you all the time throughout their stay! I hate them, with deadly passion. They suffocate me.

I want to move out. This life is a mess. I will tell you all about if you Let Me Explain.


1 comment

  1. deep shit!!!

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