Kenyan Preacher Shows Video of How Armageddon Will Happen. Should People Believe Him?

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Behold, the Armageddon will be here earlier than most of us imagine. This is conforming to a Kenyan self-styled prophet David Owuor of the vibrant Christian sect of Repentance and Holiness Ministry.

The preacher made the announcement last Monday during a stopover at a boutique along Kimathi Street in the Kenyan Capital, Nairobi, Kenyan tabloid Nairobi News reported.

Hundreds of devotees blockaded the entrance of the shop after sighting him at the trendy boutique.

But even before he could pray, the prophet demonstrated through a video clip and images from his smartphone how the end of the world is manifesting itself.

‘Sexual Sin’

“You must abandon sexual sin and other obscenities that God abhors for Him to bless you,”

he said to a rapturous applause from the crowd.

Business ground to an impasse for virtually an hour or so during the afternoon visit opposite Nairobi Nation Centre, with his motorcade of seven splendid vehicles, aides and armed police clogging the street.

Owuor is acknowledged for praying for the sick, joblessness among the youth and even disasters that have been witnessed in Kenya in the last few months.

Wistfully, the man of cloth did not have any scriptural substance to ratify it. So the grill is should people believe prophet David?

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