Janet Manyowa & Shingisai Suluma’s “Muchengeti” Collaboration is Out | LISTEN!

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Award-winning gospel musician Janet Manyowa is maintaining a busy schedule this year as she is building up to her long time coming sophomore album announced as Grateful.

The just-ended winter season saw the 33-year-old artist releasing Tomutenda Neiko? to positive acclaim. 

She is back again.

This time she enlisted United States-based gospel veteran of yesteryear Shingisai Suluma for a new single entitled Muchengeti and the song is out today. 

The two gospel juggernauts bring their energy and enthusiasm in a song that is sure to leave audiences not only on their feet but singing along, sharing every musical phrase.

In an interview with a local paper, Manyowa who is also a fan of Suluma said she knew she had to work with her the moment she wrote the song.

“It was a divine appointment. I had been in touch with Mai Suluma having requested to sing her song for one of my events last year. From there on, we spoke on a regular basis and eventually when I wrote the song ‘Muchengeti’, I felt she was just the right person to feature on it,” she said.

Manyowa said Psalms 121:5-6, a verse that talks about God’s protection, inspired the song.

“It says the Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The message of the song is that we should always rely on God in our daily Christian walk, remembering that he never sleeps, he never slumbers and he cares for us. We hope the song will not only be received well but will minister to the lives of people,” she said.

Manyowa had nothing but good words to say about Suluma whom she described as an amazing songwriter.

“Working with her was an amazing experience. She is a great songwriter and musician. Working with her was a humbling experience, so much fun and eye-opening. We learnt a lot from her through this collaboration. I have so much respect for her,” she said.

Manyowa has been topping charts with her recent single titled Tinomutenda Nei? which was launched during the second edition of her Worship Moments Concert in Harare.

She said the single had ministered to many people as evidenced by the several testimonies she has received.

Listen to the song here:

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