Janet Manyowa & the Redeemed Talk Show; What She is Doing Right & Where She Needs to Improve 

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Gospel music icon Janet Manyowa‘s Redeemed talk show is back and in the latest episode, she sits down with motivational speaker, coach, award-winning author and entrepreneur Tafadzwa Kenneth Mukoyi who many passionately know as Coach Taf.

In the 25 minutes long interview, the two discussed a number of topics, that includes why people procrastinate and if it is inherent, his job as a life coach, focusing and getting a Top 100 Coaching Leaders Award in India. They also played a fun quiz game.

Asked why people procrastinate Coach Taf said that according to him procrastinating is tantamount to letting God down as people won’t be putting to good use the opportunity and talents that God gives them.

He said:

‘I don’t even know how to explain it but the most difficult thing when it comes to procrastinating is my view that I’m letting God down.’

Adding on he said:

‘I’m so equipped as everybody else is, so equipped to achieve the things we so desire. I mean the Bible actually says the ‘He gives the desires of our hearts,’ which means that we are the people that stop ourselves from achieving the things that we want to achieve. So the first thing is people do not have sufficient faith in the provision of God to do the things they want to do and for that reason, they say they gonna put things for a season.’ 

Coach Taf, who grew up a Methodist, also hinted at his upcoming book The Freedom To Fail, saying that it will be out possibly in the next six months.

Yet, the show as amazing it may appear on reports like this, it wasn’t as cutting-edge or at least we were not as psyched with it as we were with the previous one.

When it premiered the Redeemed lured viewers in with promises of seeing various awesomely-executed tales of stakeholders within the Christian community, redeemed talks or something of that sort. Expectations were high for the latest spinoff as it is the first of its kind in the country.

However, what most of us might have overlooked is Janet is a great musician and not necessarily an eloquent media practitioner or conversationist, we mean that well. Not that she is terrible to watch or that the show is downright awful, like how can it be considering that she’s a charming personality and a soothing voice. That does sound like a winning formula, right?

But, maybe we just had higher hopes for her, or maybe we expected so much from her when she’s still learning this new showbiz. Peradventure we want her to so perfect at everything, as it is the price that one pays for being so good at whatever they do, people expect them to do the impossible. Mayhap we want her to so deep or pro when she’s just having fun.

Whatever the case, everyone, of course, would watch this show because it is Janet, but their reaction might not be guaranteed to be positive. People might want to be so church-y about it and say, ‘OMG! She’s so amazing,’ and other polite stuff but that will be romanticization. We love her, she is our sister but we would also love to see her upping her game and getting so better, so we would love to shed a little light on areas where she needs to outdo herself.

We understand that not every visual show can be a hit but it has to be interesting nonetheless, like a food for the mind. In that regard, many would agree that Janet needs to beef up her show.

The first episode with Tembalani was quite okay, it’s just the latest that doesn’t feel like it. And to digress a little, when it was teased in February, it was announced that the second episode was to feature radio personality Tariro Mazvarirwofa. Apparently, something happened. We too hate so much to inconvenient but we don’t know what happened to that episode, which led the team to broadcast this unheralded one with the coach.

Offhandedly, even the most perfect things in the world have little flaws. Nothing is so pure it is without fault, which is why the second episode gave us our first official dud.

But this piece isn’t about discrediting the show. It’s about how we can assist the team in making goosebump giving episodes. Call to mind we’re social creatures. We want to share things with people and in a TV environment with infinite options, we want to be affirmed that the choices we’ve made and the things we recommend to our readers represent good taste.

So what are we suggesting? Perhaps Janet should start by telling her audience what they will take away from the talk. Maybe she should do something unexpected, and not try to follow the highly-cliched broadcasting system we see in an ungodly amount on our TVs today. This is a talk show, it has to be interesting, newsworthy and relevant.

Hopefully, upcoming episodes will be very exciting and different. We would also love to hear whatever happened to Tariro’s episode, if it is ever coming or not.

Watch the Redeemed S1, Episode two with Coach Taf here:

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