The Ideal Of A Christian Family

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Family is the only institution created by God.

It is the school of love where people can learn how to love each other and live together. It is a training center where we practice how to build a palace of peace in the world. It is in a family environment where we learn how to become a husband or a wife who will live for the sake of our spouse and how to become a husband and a wife who will travel on the eternal path of love.

True happiness and peace won’t be found in some other place, it is the family that’s intended to create, nurture and develop that. It is the base camp of world harmony and tranquility, and it must be in such a way that children have to be proud of.  They can only feel proud of their families if their parents are not always quarreling.

Understandably, by virtue of being humans, we come up against all kinds of things in life as a family. We have times when we bicker with each, enraged and raise our voices. That cannot be avoided. Regardless of how intimate we could be, we always don’t see things eye to eye.

But as Christian parents when the children come into the room while you’re having a bandy of harsh words or say a near-fight experience, it must stop immediately. No matter how angry we could be, we must relate to our spouses in peace when the children are present and assure them, that all is well.

The children from a Christian family must grow up convinced that their family is the best family ever filled with joy and most importantly that their parents always love each other truthfully.

That is very necessary because as parents we need to bear in mind that we are like seconds God to our children. For instance, if today you are going to ask your children who they love better between you and God, it is highly probable that they will say they like you because at least you are who they can visibly see.

What this suffice is, God put us in that position for a certain reason; to educate them with rightful knowledge and to look after them.

Here are two prime verses that summarize the role of parents in the eyes of the Lord.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

‘Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.’Ephesians 6:4 

As highlighted in these two scriptures the most precious education for our children takes place in the family, not at school.

The family is a bundle of love and it should be the space in which God’s ideal of eternal love should be realized. Parents go the path of love, no matter how difficult it becomes. They are prepared to if need be, bury their lives for the sake of love and this is true love. God’s will is to bring about a world in which love is made real, and family is the place where God’s love overflows.

The word family needs to bring a smile on your face when you hear it. That’s the ideal of a Christian family.

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