I Thought AFM Was The Only True, Spirit-Filled Church. I Was Wrong!

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My name is Minister Praise Goveia. I am a recording Gospel music minister, and I am the first son of an Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe (AFM) retired Pastor Andrew Goveia Matanga.

All along, I was misled thinking that God is so much into churches, doctrines, etc… But after events that took place in my beloved AFM church, I got a revelation of the mind of God.

My church AFM was victimised through and through, souls got injured, relatives became enemies, hate was seen between church and the Shepherds all in the name of defending a legacy and the church

As I am writing today 01-10-2019 it took me three good weeks to consider this writing this post because I was one person who at one point involved myself too much in these fights, but when the light came, I decided to denounce it publicly since the opposite was also done publicly.

I have come to understand that Christ is more interested in winning souls than any other materials and names of churches that we always fight for.

To Rev Madawo, Rev Madziyire, the entire church and my fans, I extend my apology for seeing you otherwise, thinking differently is very common. I am under AFM led by Rev Chiangwa through conviction but I saw it important to ask you forgiveness over said words, maybe in your absence or social media calling you names; please may you and your God forgive me.

It’s not godly, no matter our zeal, to attack another man of God in the name of “they are lost”.

Elijah thought he was the only prophet not worshipping Baal, but God told him to mind his Assignment.

“I am very Jealous of the Lord, and I am the only one left,” 1 kings 19:14.

God had over 7000 other prophets who were not popular.

I have come to understand that God has more true pastors and churches than we think.

“Yet I have reserved 7000 prophets who have not bowed nor kissed Baal,” 1 Kings 19:18.

Imagine as a great prophet but concerning those worshipping God he was wrong, let’s preach Christ, not people and win souls for heaven.

“There is no more condemnation those that are in Christ Jesus,” Romans 8:1.

I’m calling for peace from all four corners of the world. Let’s build-up AFM again in love. Christ is love, let’s practise Christianity and pass this test time. Whichever faction we are, let’s worship God and run away from fighting battles that are not for us.

Remember relations are more important than events. Let’s bring peace, love and joy among us, despite the differences. In our societies, we need relations; In our business communities; we need relations. So, why breaking and destroying relations over things that can be solved without violence?

Please whoever I insulted or irritated over these events taking place in our Church, I beg you to forgive me. I need you in my life as a precious soul and gift from God.

If possible, let us see each other beyond the factions but to see each other through an eye of love as brethren in Christ.

Minister Praise Goveya is a fast-rising gospel musician and horticulture and poultry farmer. His music is aimed at reminding people to change their ways and turn to God. He started singing at his local church at the age of six, having been inspired by gospel music guru Olivia Charamba, who is his mentor and advisor. His group, The Streams of Praise, have shared the stage with the Charambas, Jah Prayzah, Gift Chipisa, Desmond Matanga and Jeffrey Mbayo while performing across the country.

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