“I Feel Like I Have To Have Sex To Be Accepted

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The dilemma and fear clouds many youths or should I say “young adults” at a particular moment in their lifetime. It is now the norm or the ‘in thing’ to indulge in this overrated activity. The pressure currently is intense all in the name of fitting in. Surprisingly, the pressure sources are usually friends and partners.

Apart from that, the media ethos that portrays premarital sex is fun, good and expected, have become the death of many. It has made premarital sex inevitable, now it rather urges safe sex than abstinence. Is this right? A considerable number of youths today will become pregnant at least once before they turn 20.

It is frustrating how the media puts so much sexual pressure on man to be sex gods.  Is not this absurd? Our generation is making abnormal things so trivial. Some women even feel rejected if a person does not pressure them to have sex. Really! Where is self-respect? Get some standards women.

Peer pressure is there, without a doubt. Nevertheless, it is time to deal with it. Everyone faces the challenges but dealing is what matters. The pressure can be incredible from we loosely identify as friends and lovers. If you do not succumb to peer pressure, you likely ridiculed.

I come to you as a women and sister it is always ok to choose not to engage in sex. It is your right to opt out of entering or staying in a sexual relationship. For when you feel you not ready, turn down any given sexual experience or opportunity.



Munashe Chakaonda

Munashe Chakaonda

Online Publisher| Creative Writer| Editor In The Making| All About Big Dreams

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