“I Am Suffering From Character Assasination By The Media”: Prophet Wutawunashe Tells High Court

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Family of God Church (FOG) founder, Apostle and Prophet Andrew Wutawunashe has approached the High Court seeking to bar members press from covering proceedings in his divorce case set for January 29, claiming that he had been a victim of a fake news.

The apostle is fighting a messy divorce with his estranged wife, Prophetess Dr Rutendo, over allegations of infidelity.

In his urgent chamber application filed on Tuesday, Apostle Wutawunashe said:

“I have even suffered character assassination through an online media house, under the headline Pastor has sex with a Satanist for 11 years: My hubby preacher has been seduced by a Satanist. Such not only portrays me as an adulterer, but even so a devil worshipper as I have been accused of bedding a Satanist.”

The application continues:

“This has serious consequences on my profession, as I am a revered clergyman, who not only leads churches from all over the world, but also conducts religious business on instruction by the government of Zimbabwe. My image and that of the respondent (Rutendo) too, is, therefore, at serious stake and I will suffer prejudice should my right to privacy in hearing of this matrimonial case not be upheld in terms of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and in terms of the rules of this honourable court.”

The clergyman goes to submit that if members of the mass media are allowed to cover the proceedings of his debilitating suit, it leaves a lot to be wondered how much damage they will cause, as the previous has done a lot worse.

“If the case is held in camera, the Press will not have the right to remain, thus, protecting the right to privacy of both parties involved, as well as the dignity of the church members associated with the figures ought to enjoy. The church has already split and another church called Family Covenant Church has been formed by former members of FOG at the emergence of the slanderous statements, thus, there is no telling what further publications will do.”

Wutawunashe said the relationship between himself and his wife has broken down to such an extent that there is no possibility of making up. More particularly, he claimed that they lost all love and affection for each other and last had an intimate relationship in 2005, only five years after their marriage.

The two who parented six children are also fighting over how to share the church property. Despite Wutawunashe arguing that church property is not part of the matrimonial assets and remains the exclusive property of a university, his wife has disputed it as false, insisting she wants the church property to be included in the sharing of their property.

The clergyman also proposed that upon the granting of the decree of divorce, he must be awarded house number 89 Cheltenham Drive Park, Ruwa and that Rutendo retains number a house in Greystone Park, Tettenhall Flat and stand number 1319 along Fife Avenue, all in Harare.

He also argued that she does not require post-divorce maintenance as she will use the flat as a surgery to generate income since she is a registered medical practitioner.

The matter is yet to be set down for hearing.

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