How Do Zimbabwean Pastors Preach?

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The Zimbabwean society has seen a mass revolution of faith that has brought about a rise of innumerable church denominations and various ministers of the Word.

What’s of interest is that while all of the churches and ministers seem to champion the same deity, they differ in character, dressing, style and what they preach about. Many of these pastors are concerned about leading sinners to Christ, others, however, have been painted as mere gospereneurs who are more interested in making fortune and fame.

Leave it to the diaspora-based comedian Tafadzwa Ngubozabo popularly known as Taffy Theman to give a state-of-the-art comic comparison of the dynamics of preaching by contemporary Zimbabwean prophets and pastors.

No preacher is safe from the comedian’s mimicry, from the white-garment apostolic sects to megachurch Pentecostals. It’s the apostolic sects’ interjectory pleonasm; Prophet T Freddy‘s jocose miracle declarations; Prophet Walter Magaya‘s notorious engagement of secular pop cultures in church, Apostle T.F. Chiwenga‘s radical and meticulous homilies, and Prophet Eubert Angel‘s sesquipedalianism.

Couple that with a caricature of Apostle Christopher Kapandura‘s unapologetic vulgar-laden theological allocutions, Prophet Talent Madungwe‘s seemingly unhinged oracles, Prophet Passion Java‘s feather-brained glossolalias, and Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa‘s sagaciousness and you have a life worthy piece of comedy to laugh and sway you from the present COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the videos below:

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