Harare Provincial Development Coordinator Threatens To Deal With Unlicensed Water Distributors

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Harare Metropolitan Province; Provincial Development Coordinator Tafadzwa Muguti has threatened to deal with unlicensed bulk water suppliers in Zimbabwe’s capital city.
This comes at a time when a number of people have been witnessed in the business of selling the life-saving liquid, with water challenges persisting in Harare.

Muguti said, “It is important to note that Harare Metropolitan Province only has three (3) licensed bulk water supply companies at present, the rest are operating illegally.”

The coordinator said those found illegally distributing water shall face arrest and prosecution, whilst their delivery trucks and equipment will be impounded by the Zimbabwe Republic Police.
The Provincial Development Coordinator also gave two sections that deal with bulk water.

“Residents and companies operating bulk water supply businesses should note that it is a criminal offense to sell bulk water without a water permit as required by Section 34 of the Water Act of 1998,” he said.
“Furthermore, it is also a criminal offense to extract bulk water in residential areas without a ZINWA permit, this is in violation of Section 17A of Water (Permits) Regulations of 2013 (SI 90 of 2013).”

The government also requires residents to register boreholes to authorities dealing with water.
Water has been a challenge in Harare, with local councils failing to provide enough liquid for residents.
Water suppliers have taken advantage of the liquid shortage to sell water in residential areas.

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