Farewell Joyce Simeti.

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The Zimbabwean Gospel community has lost one of its own and it is falling apart. The gospel star died at the age of 42 after experiencing a heart problem; she reportedly passed away yesterday afternoon upon her arrival at the Arcadia Medical Center. The Gospel Musician cum Fashion Designer Joyce Simeti was a mother of three and Stanley the musician’s husband confirmed that she once recovered from the same encounter. Unfortunately it was not so this time around.Joyce Simeti blessed us just under a fortnight ago in Harare at the Sinach show with her beautiful voice. Who knew the  awesome Gospel Diva would leave us without saying good bye?

The late Joyce Simeti harnessed seven albums in the 12 years that she was actively participating in the music business. Her first album launched in 2002 was titled ‘Tose Takadanwa’, however it was her third album that put her name on the map of the Local Gospel market with the track ‘Kudza Baba Na Mai’.  A remarkable artist and Community leader Joyce was an advocate for children’s rights which was witnessed in her 2007 track ‘Vana Vanokosha. In 2009 with her track “Mudzimai Akanaka” she touched on topical domestic issues which became a favorite of most women.
Our condolences to the family, and the many who were touched by her music, her presence will surely be missed.


Lot of tributes have poured out from family, friends, fans and other gospel singers.

Munashe Chakaonda


Munashe Chakaonda

Munashe Chakaonda

Online Publisher| Creative Writer| Editor In The Making| All About Big Dreams

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