False Prophets Come Under Fire From VP Chiwenga!

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Days after a South African pastor said Vice President Constantino Chiwenga was critically ill and that he could die if his family do not pray enough, the VP has come hard on all “fake prophets” hiding behind the name of God to attack national leadership and extort money from the public.

Speaking to thousands of Christians who came to pray with him at his rural homestead in Hwedza following his discharge from hospital in South Africa, the Retired General made stern threats to pseudo clericals, even going to the extreme of saying he will flog them.

He said:

“There are others who are now calling themselves prophets. Aripo uyo anonzi ani, Talent (Muzuva). That should come to an end today. Zvatoperera pano. We don’t have that culture where one moves around attacking leaders under the guise of preaching the word of God. God does not say move around attacking other people.

“We want people to go to church and pray to God. This habit of using the name of the church to extort money is not good. How can you say that on the one hand you are practising Satanism and on the other you say you are a prophet, what kind of a prophecy is that? It’s not good and we don’t want that.

“Tiri kutaura ini madziChiwenga kuno uku. Tiri kutaura padzinza. Vamwewo vakateerera kuti kuno ndokwazviri. Isu tinorova. So that should end and work towards building the Zimbabwe we want. The Zimbabwe we want is the one we explained that it is endowed with vast minerals. God has blessed us with good soil and we should utilise it to develop our country.”

The church service was led by the Roman Catholic Church.

Among high-ranking officials who attended the church service were Ministers Perrance Shiri (Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement), Joel Biggie Matiza (Transport and Infrastructural Development), Apollonia Munzverengi (Minister of State for Mashonaland East province), Mr George Charamba (Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet), Politburo members Cdes Sydney Sekeramayi and Dr David Parirenyatwa, among others.

Last week pastor, founder and General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International, Pastor Alph N Lukau, told a woman who claimed relations with VP Chiwenga that the VP was so critically ill he could die if they do not pray enough.

The revelation was made during a Sunday service attended by thousands of congregants in Krameville, Sandton.

Addressing a woman, the prophet issued a frightening message warning that Chiwenga might die soon if his people do not pray for him.

“I see his body is swollen. If you don’t pray, you may lose him. There will be bad news if you don’t pray. You may lose the Vice President of Zimbabwe. I can see he is bleaching, he is losing his colour. Right now he is critical,”

said prophet Lukau in a filmed video.

VP Chiwenga’s wife, Marry, has since dismissed the woman who got the prophecy, saying she’s not their relative.

“No, she’s not a relative, I do not know her and the VP does not know her, and to be honest I didn’t see any prophecy there because the woman had said the name. Whatever he said about witchcraft I don’t know, I know what the doctors told us,” Marry told the Daily News.

Sources: Herald, Daily News 

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