Ex-Footballer Exposes Dark Secret at TB Joshua’s Church, Testifies how He went to a Fetish Priest to Gain Powers to Play Good Football

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Zambian former soccer player with Ndola-based club Forest Rangers, Ian Phiri, gave a disquieting revelation about the black powers he solicited to augment his struggling football career, writer Makweembo Mwanasa reported.

In a video released on Nigerian Televangelist T.B. Joshua‘s Emmanuel TV’s YouTube channel, Phiri admitted to visiting an occult shrine in Mozambique in a quest for powers.

“I went to a fetish priest who said he would give me powers to play good football and make it in life,” the Zambian athlete explained.

Phiri underwent a ritual in which they stripped him naked and bathed him in water ceremonially boiled in a black pot.

“He splashed it on me and it was very, very cold. He then told me to pass underneath his legs and never return.”

However, the dalliance with witchcraft backfired upon Phiri’s return to Zambia. Instead of heightening his career, the encounter only served to boost his hankering for older women, club life and smoking.

“From the time I went to the shrine, my football career crumbled, and I began living a very reckless life,” he stated.

“Anytime I looked at a woman once or twice and commanded her to follow me, she would. I began womanising, smoking and drinking alcohol all the time.”

With things going decidedly downhill, Phiri resolved to visit the renowned church of Pastor T.B. Joshua in Nigeria in pursuit of ‘deliverance’ after a close cleric has recommended.

He explained that during the church service, his body became uncommonly hot and he “wanted to run away”.

However, when the ‘Morning Water’ from Joshua’s church was ministered to him, Phiri began to aggressively retaliate, clearly under the influence of some supernatural entity.

“I felt fire burning from my head to my toes,” he explained. “I didn’t know what was happening from that point on.”

Following his deliverance from the clutches of ‘the Devil’ and the Queen of the Coast’, Phiri testified that his nocturnal sexual encounters with strange women dreams and dream eating had ended and that he was having peaceful sleep, so had his insatiable lust for the opposite sex.


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