What We Thought Of Dzoka Kumba By Dereck Mpofu & Cynthia Mare

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The Green Ambassador teamed with the saucy Award Winning Cynthia Mare on this new single titled ‘Dzoka Kumba which according to Dereck is “a love song which speaks of a lovesick couple separated by a silly argument, missing each other but too proud to admit it they go through separate monologues.”

We enjoyed ‘Dzoka Kumba’ for two reasons; for one it was nice to hear Dereck singing about something either than flora and fauna if you know what we mean; secondly and most importantly, it’s a great song, actually we might love this song a little too much! The Afro-beat instrumentals aren’t intrusive and sit well with Dereck and Cynthia’s witty lyrical banter. ‘Dzoka Kumba’ is Shona for ‘Come Back Home’, it’s a feel good earthy and hearty song, we also sensed a hint of Marabi elements which added onto the light and catchiness of the song. Expect to hear it a few hundred times a week on local Radio Stations, it’s earned it. We give it an enthusiastic 9 out of 10! To show support to the artists you can make digital copy orders via WhatsApp on 0773288002.

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

1 comment

  1. I’m such a fan of Dereck ! This collaboration rocked !

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