#DailyDevotion : Rebooting…

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 “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”Galatians 3:6

Dearly beloved, the Christian walk is one that is marked, or at least should be marked by a constant move from glory to glory. God is constant in this;  but it is known for a man to waver and stumble from time to time, becoming a hindrance to his own walk with God.

Have you ever felt so far away, so disconnected that you know not where to start or how to reboot? After all, sin cannot stand before a Holy God…The above passage of scripture declares that Abraham believed God, and it was credited unto him as righteousness. Beloved, the righteousness by which we have the boldness to stand before God is imparted by reason of relationship.

Matthew 6:33 reads,

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness…”

This verse clearly states that righteousness belongs to God, but as we are joined to Christ we are partakers of his nature! The problem is that we believe and say we are sinners, after-all it is the religious thing to say…For example sake; If you marry a Ndebele woman, being Shona yourself,  and she learns to speak Shona fluently, is she then Ndebele or Shona?

So inasmuch as speaking Shona(an act) does not change the Ndebele status of your wife, the fact that you sinned yesterday does not make you a sinner…You simply engaged in something foreign to you but remain the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!

It is, therefore, my prayer to those that may feel distant from God this morning, may God give you the revelation of the grace that has been delivered to you this morning. The grace to reboot instantly by grace and connect to God!

By Pastor Ray 

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