#DailyDevotion: Overwhelming “Overwhelming Problems”

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God is so God that anytime He is to be directly involved in the affairs of man, he will first multiply the problem and reduce the instrument of the solution.

Out of a family of brothers, he saw the solution in the smallest boy, David, to defeat the giant, Goliath.

Gideon‘s army of 32 000 was outnumbered and had to come up against 120 000 swordsmen. God, however, saw that Israel might claim the glory and say it has been saved by its own hand, so he commanded Gideon to reduce the number until they were 300.

Lazarus was sick unto death, yet Jesus increases the problem by allowing that he may first die.

Beloved, Faith is a weapon of the spirit, and without it, we can not overcome any battle against the adversary. When speaking of this weapon, Jesus again multiplies the problem and reduces the agent solution. He says, if you have faith as SMALL as a grain of mustard seed, even MOUNTAINS will be subject to you!

And so I pray for you today, may the Lord give you the grace to overwhelm every overwhelming problem in your life and surroundings!

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