#DailyDevotion: Little Children, Big God

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1 John 4:4 reads,

“Ye are of God, LITTLE CHILDREN, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

The above portion of scripture is interesting. It does not read, ye are of God oh giant…No. God is intentionally making reference to us as little children. This means that though you may be the smallest, the weakest, the seemingly unqualified; You are of God and have overcome the world.

For too long you’ve been overcome by gear and discouraged to start that project because you were looking at the outward man, but greater is he that is in you! Yes you may not measure up to the academic stamina and intelligence of your peers but greater is He that is in you!

It is therefore my prayer for you today, that the Christ in you, would begin to show forth. I call upon the divinity in you. He is the God that shows up and shows off!!!


By Pastor Ray

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