#DailyDevotion : Do You Deserve Deliverance?

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The Bible, in 1 Corinthians 6:20, reads;

“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

One great hindrance the believer faces in receiving deliverance; spiritually, financially, physically and any other manner of it, is in that we do not deserve it. Not that we feel we do not deserve it, but that we simply do not deserve it.

It is difficult for you to receive healing for an ailment that is self-inflicted, on the premise of your entitlement. For example, the reason it is a great miracle for HIV to be cured is because, faith-based on entitlement will disqualify you, on the basis that you do not deserve it… But all hope is not lost.

If one were to walk into a shop and purchase something, that thing would be due them. Why? It is a fair trade to receive what YOU paid for. The anchor scripture tells us that we were bought at a price; meaning Jesus paid a price for our salvation, healing and deliverance. You being sick or tormented or broke is not an injustice to you, it is an injustice to Jesus.

It is my prayer for you this morning, that you would lay claim of that thing you’ve been pressing in for on the basis of merit. Jesus deserves what he paid for!!!

By Pastor Ray

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