Culture Fund Zimbabwe Calls For Proposals for CreativeACTIONs 2

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On Friday Culture Fund launched its CreativeACTIONs 2 program at an event attended by representative creatives, Culture Fund Board Chairperson Nelly Tiago Jinjika, Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts & Recreation, Kirsty Coventry and His Excellency the EU Ambassador to Zimbabwe Jobst von Kirchmann and the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe.

CreativeACTIONs 2 will run from 2023–2025 and it will be a continuation of CreativeACTIONs 1 which ran from 2020–2021. It is set to support capacity development, talent and creative sector innovations. These are some of the set modalities of empowering the creative sector ecosystem and foster shock-rebuilding post COVID 19. 

CreativeACTIONs 2 aims to:

1) To strengthen individual practitioners and creative civil society organisations’ capacities in inter alia, digital skills, production, marketing, networking and arts education

2) To support innovative artistic and cultural creations from artists and cultural practitioners, creative civil society organizations and private operators in the cultural and creative industries

3) To empower the Creative sector to participate in policy dialogue and advocacy in order to contribute to an enabling operating environment for the Cultural and Creative Industries strengthen capacities for creative civil society organizations and arts and culture practitioners in Zimbabwe. 

Key considerations will favour participation of women, youth and people living with disabilities.

For the CreativeACTIONs 2 program Culture Fund is inviting the creative arts and culture professionals and agents, representing the Creative Civil Society (CSOs) from around Zimbabwe to send in their proposals. 

The overall objective of the program is to empower Creative Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to meaningfully contribute to governance and development processes; particularly women, youth and People with Disabilities (PWDs). 

Who qualifies under Creative Civil Society (CSO)? 

•Artists, cultural and creative actors

•Apex bodies and consortia in the creative sector

•Arts associations, Unions and professional networks o Collecting Management Organizations (CMOs)

•Arts education institutions

•Schools, colleges, vocational training institutions, and universities o Community based organizations (CBOs)


•Non-Governmental organizations

•Other non-state actors or not for profit making institutions

Only Zimbabwean nationals or permanent residents of Zimbabwe are eligible for the grants. You can find more information here.

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