#COVID19: Gemma Griffiths Ask for God’s Guidance in A New Video 

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Go to most church services, and you’ll be able to sing along with many celebratory songs of victory, blessedness and joy. And that makes sense—we are children of God, having been forgiven of our sins and adopted into God’s family through the blood of Jesus. What a reason to celebrate!

But we live in a fallen, sinful world, full of suffering, pain and death. As we speak now, an infectious pandemic known as COVID-19 is in our midst and has infected over 900, 000 people and taken more than 45, 526 lives. Christians are not immune to this neither are they exempted from sharing this sorrow as we are commanded to weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15), even when we feel like we’re “on the mountain” rather than “in the valley.”

An indie artist and songbird Gemma Griffiths recently released a track and video titled Titungamire, off the Rematare Riddim by Chillspot Records, which is dedicated to people living in uncertainty following the COVID-19 outbreak. The eccentric virtuoso said the song’s purpose was to give solace and inspiration to people who are now hopeless in their lives.

Written by dancehall star Enzo Ishall, the video was directed by Marc Neilson and shot at the beautiful chapel of Bishopslea School in Harare.

The song is soothing and has a calming power. It essentially fills in the role of gospel music in the society; to uplift and encourage us when we are at our lowest. In the times we are in, most of us have turned to God in prayers and fasting, knowing that our victory is assured.

Watch the video, enjoy and share!

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