Controversial Pastor Paul Sanyangore Answers All the Tough Questions About His Fall from Grace, Says He’s Now A Changed Man

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Humiliated controversial preacher and leader of Life Like Christ Church Paul Sanyangore has responded to rumours that he has either attempted suicide or left the country.

Sanyangore, who is famed for several controversial miracles that include calling God from his mobile phone, last year suffered his greatest humiliation in the hands of his cousin who made outrageous claims that he faked miracles and cheated on his wife in a series of radio and newspaper interviews.

After such tempestuous phases, the wonder-working preacher went on a hiatus, leaving people to conclude that he had skipped borders while others thought he had committed suicide.

Now, he has reemerged and recently he spoke with Blessing Masakadza from the local tabloid H-Metro. They talked about a wide-ranging of topics, that includes his death rumours, coping up with betrayal and his current church situation, among others.

On vanishing rumours he said:

 ‘I’m alive. Some say I died by committing suicide while others say I skipped the border but here I am, talking to you. It’s normal though for people to say that. Even in football, the coaches at times take a sabbatical, just to refresh and rejuvenate. You come back mature, see things from a different angle. I’m now a changed man, bigger and stronger.

Responding to what affected him the most during his humiliation phase Sanyangore said it was the rejection by his inner circle.

‘The rejection, hatred by the people I thought were closer to me. I suffered to the point that I was afraid to walk and stayed indoors. I thank God for my wife. I think she is stronger than me. She stood by me during that time,’ he said. 

On what he learnt from the whole incident, the Heaven-calling preacher said;

‘I saw the mistakes I made and the things I did right. In short, you become a better pastor. I’m bigger, better, mature and different. The bible says faith has to be tested, go through trials and tribulations and this is what happened… Now I know my real friends, people I can depend on, who to trust and who not to.’

Sanyangore does not blame some of his followers who left his church in the course of his fall from grace. He understands it very well that such a public downfall can lead people to alienate themselves, but he also assured that the exodus will not stop the operation of the church.

‘Some left and I understand them. Who would be brave enough to stand by my side during such a period? People come and go even in heaven Satan went with a third of the angels but that did not stop God from operating,’ said Sanyangore. 

And to people who believed that he deserved everything that happened to him his comment is:

‘I don’t blame them. Up to now I believe this was God’s doing. The situation made me depend on him more. I got closer to God because that was the only option… I appreciate everything that happened to me, it made me a better pastor.’

From the interview, we also learnt that he reached a point where he wanted out the ministry, almost closed the church and went back to stay with his parents. It was, however, prayers that kept him going.

‘I got to a point when I said I quit. I told my family zvechurch handichadi. This was too much for me that I went back to stay with my parents semwana mudiki. However, we couldn’t stop praying and prayed harder. I believe it came as a wakeup call for me to pray hard and I did.’

And regardless of his miracles being called fake or staged, Sanyangore confirmed that they are still happening, even on a more scale now since it is not his doing.

‘Miracles never stopped. It’s now worse. Miracles are not mine or about me, it is an assignment. I get to a point I say I must not do this but it is not my doing, even if I don’t want it has to happen. But now I’m focused, mature and know when and where to do it,’ he said.

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