Christians Organise Peace Prayer Meeting after Bulawayo Blast

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Various Christian denominations in Harare are on Saturday expected to meet for a peace prayer meeting and to urge tolerance among politicians ahead of next month’s general elections.

Event co-ordinator, Violet Kadzunge, of the Vision Protection International Ministry (VPIM), said they were forced to act following last Saturday’s explosion which killed two people and injured 47 others at a Zanu PF campaign rally in Bulawayo.

“What happened in Bulawayo has made us put more emphasis on praying for our nation and peace. I believe God wants to use the June 23 incident to be part of the jigsaw puzzle pieces in praying for peace,” she said.

VPIM has held the Thanksgiving events annually since 2015. Kadzunge said they had invited musicians Dudu Manhenga and Call to Worship to perform at the Saturday event.

They also expect a number of pastors, including Ken Clerk, Marvelous Ncube and Priscilla to grace the annual prayer session.

The event is themed A Chronicle of Good News.

“I believe Thanksgiving is a powerful tool of warfare. People should make Thanksgiving a lifestyle. God is drawing the nation to that place of thanking him and not asking,” Kadzunge said.

The highlight of the day will see representatives from the 10 provinces in our country who will decree and declare peace in their provinces during the elections.

Other Christians leaders have also condemned the blasting.

Speaking at the Peace Prayer Service held recently in Harare to memorialise the 10th anniversary of the 2008 April-June Dark Season and recognise the United Nations Convention Against Torture Day recently, outspoken Christian cleric and Zimbabwe Devine Destiny (ZDD) leader Bishop Ancelimo Magaya said he wants to see the church speaking up against such acts of terror.

He said:

“We want to see the Church rising, we want and hear the Church audible in condemning what is not right. That is the reason why we also condemn in very loud terms the blasting that took place in Bulawayo. We condemn that and we condole with those that have lost their beloved. We also pray for the injured that the palm of healing will proceed speedily from the presence of the Lord to administer healing.”

Inasmuch as the Bishop sympathises with the blast, he admitted to smelling a rat beneath the bombing.

“But, we want also to quickly say ZANU PF has created a system of violence that is crushing its own people; a system that is eating its own. I’m very keen to understand the intricacies around the bombings. I’m very keen because I know that our security intelligence are some of the best in the world and for there to be a bomb at a rally where the President is going to address, that is historic, that is news. I smell a rat. Don’t blame me, clean your image, spruce image. There is subtleness, there is deceit, there is intricacy. We condemn any such wanton display of power.’

Goodness and Mercy Ministries leader Prophet T. Freddy said:

‘The events of Bulawayo White city stadium which resulted in casualties of government officials and other Zanu PF supporters is disturbing and we pray for speedy recovery and healing in the name of Jesus. May God continue to guide all those who are in positions of power – whether that power is political or physical or social – and give them wisdom to use their power wisely… We pray for purity in our leaders intentions and Godliness in every conviction. In this time that Zimbabwe is approaching everyone should be bighearted and sincere, energetic in goodness and courteous in manners.’

Apostle Stephen Magwanya of New United Apostolic Faith church said anything that comes through the shedding of blood is not from God.

“Those people behind bomb blast are evil and have nothing to fight for the nation but disturb the nation from exercising their right to vote peacefully. The nation expressed their rights by removing the old era in a peaceful manner and there was no violence or killing each other paving the way for President Mnangagwa to rule. That peaceful move by the nation shows that President Mnangagwa was ordained by God and fighting him is fighting what God has ordained. Elections are close and those who want to use violence to force the nation to be led by a person they want are bringing a curse to the nation, I urge the nation to remain peaceful and prayerful to enjoy the fruits of their past suffering,”

said Apostle Mangwanya.

Destiny of Afrika Network founder, Reverend Obadiah Musindo called those fighting President Mnangagwa to repent for the good of their family and the nation reiterating that he has been ordained by God.

He said:

“Everything ordained by God cannot be won by any means. No weapon fashioned against him will prosper and those behind the bomb blast to target His Excellency will never win their battle because he has been ordained by God. Let them not waste their time, starve their family or receive blood money to try to remove him by waging war or any means they fool themselves are best. Zimbabwe has been blessed and will prosper and enjoy the goodness and mercy of the Lord through President Mnangagwa. He is a man with a listening ear, power to act and bring results and anyone who fights such a leader is doomed for shame.”

Apostle Benjamin Joseph Murata of New Life Pentecostal Church said Zimbabweans are peace-loving people that anyone resorting to violence is against the nation quoting Bible scriptures.

“The word of God is very clear on leadership and those after fighting them as written in the Holy Scriptures on Romans chapter 13: 1-8. Zimbabweans love peace and anyone caught disturbing that peace is fighting the nation and will not escape unpunished according to the word of God. As we pray for the injured people to receive their healing let those behind the bomb blast turn away from evil and hunger for power for their time will come if allowed by God,”

said Apostle Murata.

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