Christianity Will Be Labelled A Mental Illness: Prophet Isaiah Sovi On The Great Tribulation

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In the Bible we read about the Great Tribulation, a time of trouble and difficulty as never before seen on the earth, leading up to the Millennium.

Today we hear more and more about earthquakes, famines, droughts, wildfires, disease and sickness, wars and rumours of wars, floods, hailstorms and tornadoes. We hear of an undetected asteroid that almost collided with our planet.

We watch as new political alliances develop on the world scene, and ancient empires rise with renewed influence to form new alliances and power blocs.

Unexpected economic developments cause uncertainty among investors and erosion of confidence among consumers. Terrorist attacks become more commonplace—and closer to home. We look for peace, but there is no peace.

Why such unrest in a world that supposedly is making giant strides to help us live longer and make our lives easier?

It is because mankind, as a whole, has chosen to turn his back on his Creator.

Thousands of years ago a book was written that predicted these very events would occur in our time—right now—in our day and age. God clearly warns us through this ancient book—the Bible—that even more devastating events will come upon this earth very soon.

This week Zambian-born preacher and founder of Imperial City Church Prophet Isaiah Brian Sovi is the latest to speak on the Great Tribulation.

Via his official Facebook page, the charismatic youthful preacher has prophesied that soon the world will outlaw freedom of worship and Christians will be labelled mentally ill, hunted down and arrested.

Prophet Sovi further said that in those days Bibles will be outlawed and drugs will be legalised. He said the era will take place when some people who are alive today are still living.

He wrote:

“A few years from now. You will search for Gods prophets and you will not find them. The voice of God will be rare in those days and wickedness will increase. A great drought will overtake the earth. Not a drought of food but of the word. In those days you will remember these days. Today you will despise my words. But it shall surely come to pass.

Religion will be outlawed and Christianity will be labelled a mental illness. Bibles will be as illegal as drugs yet drugs in those days will be legal. The ones who remain true to HIM in those days will be hunted down and labelled criminals. In those days you will remember these words. It’s not far from now. Some of you will witness it. So while it is still day. Remain true and despise not his word. Write this down.”

If you haven’t heard of Isaiah Sovi yet, it is definitely time you caught up with one of Africa’s trendiest young men of cloth and millionaires, whose influence is spreading like a wildfire across Africa. The prophet has carved his name in Christendom as a forensic prophet who has an eagle’s eye and moves in deeper levels of miracles and healing.

He is credited with resurrecting a young boy in Limpopo, South Africa.

Apart from his work as a prophet, the hippie mighty man of the cloth is growing his influence as an all-encompassing leader who is not only positively influencing the Christian world but business and the secular world.

What sets him apart is the fact that he is an exceptionally gifted young businessman and community leader who happens to be a modern-day-charismatic Christian prophet.

Originally hailing from Zambia, Prophet Isaiah Sovi who currently shuttles between South Africa and Botswana has properties across Southern Africa and is, after all, a global citizen.

His church Imperial City Church is one of the fastest growing churches in Southern Africa.

Sovi is also involved in philanthropic work in various countries in Southern and Eastern Africa.

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