Can Church Ministries Be Zimbabwe’s Economic Breakthrough

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World Economic Congress President Dr Apostle Alexander Chisango has said there is a gross underestimation of the church ministry in economic issues and yet Elijah and Elisha were involved in the business of their nation.

He was speaking at the inaugural World Economic Congress (WEC) held at Harare at the Rainbow Towers under the theme “Reconstructing Africa Beyond Limitations – An Integrated Collaborative Approach” hosted jointly by Zimbabwe and South Africa.

In his address, the doctor submitted that many agreements in Africa were not coming to fruition because the church ministries were not cooperating.

“How many agreements were signed in Africa but did not move on because they lacked power,” he rhetorically asked.

“You’re the transport of the nation. The nation cannot move when Elijah or Elisha do not move.”

He stated that it is the role of the church to give power to the various in agreements in Africa.

Elijah and Elisha, who the doc highly referred to, served as economic consultants to several Israelites kings in the Bible. Elijah stopped rainfall for three years as a punishment to Israel for leaving their God. The rainfall miraculously came under Elijah‘s command as a way of relief to the nation that economically depended on the green business.

It is not yet known if Zimbabwe is also under an augur as low rainfall has been predicted at a time when an apostolic sect prophet went to the Zimbabwean Parliament claiming that the August House needs purification.

Elisha, Elijah‘s predecessor in the same vein, made a prophecy that food will appear to the hunger-stricken city and it was confirmed when four lepers brought food for the residents.

Zimbabwe, thus, needs church ministries to advise leadership economically and recently the country’s First Lady Grace Mugabe appeared at an Apostolic and Zionists sects’ Super Sunday’s where they both vowed to work with each other cordially.

World Economic Congress’s mission is to turn around Africa and mediate for the economic, social and spiritual breakthrough. It is a forum where economists discuss how African economy can revamp. The Harare 2017 edition begun on the 7th of November and ended on the ninth and it was attended by all the structural sub-regions of Africa and the diaspora.

African countries are still rated as the third world and WEC is suggesting that African statesmen could use spiritual intervention for growth.

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