Creatives: Calls For Submissions!

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Arterial Network Zimbabwe is a voluntary civil society non-profit organization engaged in building a vibrant and sustainable creative sector across the continent and has national chapters in 40 African countries. Arterial Network Zimbabwe is a Chapter of Arterial Network, a dynamic network of individuals, organizations, donors, companies and institutions engaged in the African creative and cultural sector.

The Creative Sector is an important and powerful tool that plays a key role in nation building. The world over, artists bring together nations, resolve conflicts, stand firmly for human rights and give hope for a peaceful, developed world.

During the liberation struggle, many Zimbabwean artistes joined the struggle and fought the battle in song, on theater stages, in literary art, dance and visual arts. The songs and dances motivated freedom fighters, the literature stirred the minds, and the plays touched hearts.

Zimbabwe is a torn country with a broken people. Service delivery, corruption, failed health system and poor infrastructure has hampered development in our beautiful and resourced nation. We the creatives have a responsibility and an enormous role to play, our influence in society is immeasurable.

The Voice of Artists is paramount, The Voice of Artists is needed, to motivate Citizens of Zimbabwe and remind our political leaders to work with every Zimbabwean for a better future and a united nation.

We would like to challenge you fellow artists by making a motivational video to all Zimbabweans.

Here are the simple steps:

1. Record a one minute video.

2. State your Name and the role you play in the Creative Sector.

3. Briefly tell us about the Zimbabwe you want to see in the next ten years.

4. Briefly tell us how you will contribute to the Zimbabwe you want to see.

5. Give Love and Hope to fellow Zimbabweans.

6. Send the video to whatsapp number +263715029773

The video will be uploaded on Arterial Network Zimbabwe page and shared to various social media platforms. #ArtistsForDevelopment


Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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