Cabinet Approves Project For Zimbabwe To be Net Energy Exporter

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Energy woes have rocked Zimbabwe’s 2019, with fuel and electricity in shortage.
Low water at Kariba and machinery breakdowns at power stations have resulted in the country’s energy producers failing to produce enough electricity.
Fuel queues on filling stations, with consumers sleeping on lines, have become the order of the day despite government claims that there is enough fuel for customers in the country.
Industries and citizens are suffering from fuel shortages and 14 hours of electricity blackouts in the country.
Despite current power challenges, cabinet, yesterday, approved a programme with an objective to ensure that Zimbabwe emerges as a net exporter of energy.
The project is for the country, that is battling in providing energy to its citizens, net export electricity by 2024 and fuel by 2030 according to documents from yesterday’s cabinet meeting.

“This will principally be achieved through the extraction of coal-bed methane (CBM) for power generation; production of liquid fuel from coal; generation of electricity from coal; and the development of oil and gas potential in the Muzarabani, Gonarezhou and Manicaland areas,” the documents read.
“To facilitate attainment of the programme, some measures will be instituted to, among other things, provide for the separation of the ownership of coal and CBM extraction concessions, as well as incorporation of specific tertiary education programmes that promote the development of the energy sector.”

Electricity challenges have been stalling production in the industrial sector, with companies attributing low output to load shedding.
Increased fuel prices have been followed by high public transport prices to the detriment of workers who commute to and from work.

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