Bad Day? This Is How You Can Make It Better!

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When was the last time you had a bad day? We bet it wasn’t long ago.

Maybe you had an argument with someone first thing in the morning, sick family days, and tense work. Or someone wasn’t nice to you, family, friends, colleagues at work or your boss. Lost a relative,  traffic congestion, long ques, or frustrations: we all know the ingredients for a bad day.

But, have you ever wondered how to turn those days around?

Yes indeed, that can happen. Bad days happen, but they don’t have to undo us. No matter how difficult our day is, we can always end it on a better note and find glimmers of God even it had a bleak beginning.

And to help you make that happen, here we present to you five steps that may make a bad day better by ending it on a positive note. With these we can make even a bad day better when we look for glimpses of God and ways to grow. Practicing this now will equip you to better deal with a difficult day the next time one comes around.


 Remember God’s presence.

“My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14

Even after a trying day, God will quiet your soul as you remember his presence and intentionally seek to enter into it. Remember he’s with you. Invoke him to make himself present to you.


Respond to Him with thanks.

“Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me.” Psalm 50:23

Giving thanks gives God glory and helps us look on the bright side of a bad day. What small blessings can you thank God for?


 Reflect on how God showed Himself to you.

“For God does speak–now one way, now another– though no one perceives it…” Job 33:14

God reveals himself through scripture, but we also see glimpses of him in other various things that surround us. Sometimes he shows up loudly through miraculous, divine intervention. Other times he shows himself quietly through the beauty of a flower or an earnest conversation. As you look back over your day,  identify moments where you sensed God’s revelation or intervention and that will create joy within you.



“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19

We might not like recognizing our own failings, but repentance is key to continual renewal in our relationship with God. We fail God every day, but bad days have a way of making sin spew out of us. We vent our frustrations. We fret and worry instead of trusting. We open the door to addiction. In the heat of a difficult moment, we react in anger.

As you reflect on your day, remember specific points where you failed. Bring your shortcomings before God and ask him for forgiveness.


Resolve to grow.

“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

God is in the business of transforming us, so don’t let your failings discourage or define you. His mercies are always new. Accept His forgiveness. Ask him for grace to change. Is there anything you need to make right or anyone you need to apologize to? What can you do differently tomorrow?


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