Art Meets Fashion Marketing| Kelly Rusike, DJ King Her, Flying Bantu Et al. Signs Int’l. Deals with ZimXcite 

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Among those who can now enjoy an international reach through the Zim Arts online shop are musicians Kelly Rusike, DJ King Her, Amy and the Calamities, Batsirai Shasha, Flying Bantu, wildlife photographer Tom Varley, Lemington Muzhingi (pencil artist), Karin Annan (painter), Derwin Graphics (pen artist/illustrator), as well as authors Brad Pohl and Hayden Eastwood. There are also comedians and Zimbabwean films in this new Zim Arts initiative, including “A Township Story”, a forthcoming film by Sydney Taivavashe, the director behind the Pan African Film Festival award-winning movie, Gonarezhou.

The assortment of products on offer includes stunning artwork on canvas or on framed wall art, plus branded merchandise items like clothing, mugs, stickers, backpacks, laptop/phone cases, tote bags, jewellery, pillowcases and even blankets.

Chibage Painting by Karin Annan
Chibage Painting by Karin Annan

ZimXcite was created by singer-songwriter, marketing consultant and film composer Ryan Koriya in early 2020. The brand, which promotes a fun spirit of inclusion, global diversity and spotlights Zimbabwe as an attractive holiday destination with its diverse cultures and trailblazing creatives, started shipping all sorts of fun Zim words and phrases printed onto t-shirts, hoodies and mugs to help strike up interesting conversations about the Southern African country’s great land and its vibrant culture.

Robots is a unique Southern African term for traffic lights that humorously vexes most of the world.
Robots is a unique Southern African term for traffic lights that humorously vexes most of the world.

With its new collaborations and signees, it appears the ZimXcite brand is going beyond just sharing Zimbabwean-inspired humour, trivia and culture.

The international market and Zimbabweans in the diaspora are ZimXcite’s prime market focus. Products are currently shipping to the United States, Canada, UAE, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China, Japan, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Europe and Scandinavia.

A perfect international hands-off process for gifts aimed at homesick Africa-lovers abroad, people can even order on the site and have the products delivered straight to a loved one. 

Shipping Now

It is already possible to buy merchandise from Lemington MuzhingiDerwin GraphicsKarin AnnanBrad Pohl and from local jazz legend Kelly Rusike who has his new branded hoodies, t-shirts and jackets on offer. All one needs to do is visit to order. All prices for ZimXcite merch include free worldwide shipping with online tracking.  

Other Zimbabwean artists across the globe are invited to apply for consideration for future signings. Interested parties can email with links to their work. Artists must be able to produce hi-resolution digital designs in order to be considered.

Lemington Muzhingi enjoys drawing tribespeople. Now shipping worldwide.
Lemington Muzhingi enjoys drawing tribespeople. Now shipping worldwide.

Musicians Hoodies

Marimba Player Unisex Hoodie by Ryan Koriya
Marimba Player Unisex Hoodie by Ryan Koriya

Meanwhile, Ryan Koriya, who is a long-time musician himself, has released his own hoodie collection dubbed the Musician Emotions Architect via an identical deal on ZimXcite. Personalised for all types of musicians around the world, it is also a nod to those who play ethnic instruments such as the mbira and marimba amongst the more widely played orchestral and band instruments including drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, piano, trumpet, violin and harmonica.

“Artists are like architects for one’s emotions. Being able to affect and manipulate sights and sound in order to evoke a range of desired feelings or moods within the audience. My brand new hoodie range for artists highlights the architectural and technical aspects of a creator’s abilities. Customised for a variety of musicians, including singers, guitarists, pianists, dancers, music producers and all the instruments of a traditional orchestra, Emotions Architect Hoodies are available in Black, Navy, Maroon, Red and Dark Heather, and come with over 40 music titles to choose from,” said Koriya.  

A suiting collection as Ryan is a film composer (he scored Cook-Off, the first Zim film to make it to Netflix) he creates music to be performed by a wide array of musicians and orchestra members.

People can also buy a hoodie gift voucher for their artist friends who can then select their preferred size and colour. Musicians all around the world can order a hoodie using the special launch discount that is valid for the month of March 2021 on

Openly Black

Openly Black

Critic At Large in Culture | Disruptor-in-Chief | Prolific Serial Tweeter | Foul-Mouth Creative | Free Speech Absolutist... And All That Jazz

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