Apostle Kapandura & The Perpetuation Of Ribaldry But Powerful Sermons 

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Some preachers today favour the shock value of sermons, sometimes with several bare vulgar words thrown in for good measure. Other pastors prefer to preach widely advertised sermons, with innuendo-laden titles.

Often, their sermons fail to disappoint the tickling ears. One well-known pastor earned the moniker, “Cussing Pastor” for his colourful language in the pulpit. Yet it still brings up a question, should pastors use these languages?

But, why shouldn’t they? After all, didn’t Jesus use some pretty powerful statements against hypocritical religious leaders? And Paul? Didn’t he use some punch-them-in-the-face remarks, too?

Besides, sermons are supposed to be memorable, so evangelists will utilise an unforgettable vocabulary even in the face of parents with their malleable children, right?

Well, ZAOGA Forward In Faith International has one notoriety preacher whose name is now suggestive of profanity on the pulpit.

His name is Apostle Christopher Kapandura and he has earned himself an alias ‘Kaps’ within evangelism circles.

This week Hmetro ran an article on how he shoved the Chinhoyi community into a great shock with the vulgar words he used to attack prostitutes and false prophets at FIF Hunyani District Big Sunday service.

It was reported that the sexagenarian evangelist used all sorts of words from what he termed ‘vocabulary renyaudzosingwi’ to attack prostitutes and false prophets saying they are being used by the devil to destroy families. Due to his blatant description of private parts in his message, it was said that he spent the better part of his sermon begging his audience to lift their heads and fix their eyes on him as they felt out of place, even his mother-in-law who he had introduced at the beginning of the sermon.

His wife Overseer Angela Kapandura along with her mother nodded in support of the gospel shared by Apostle Kapandura throughout the sermon when most of the women looked uncomfortable with his explicit language.

In his sermon Apostle Kapandura said:

“Handisikuda chinhu chinonzi hure nemaporofita enhema nekuti vazhinji vehama dzedu vaparadzwa nemazitsotsi aya. Bhaibheri rinoti kana pane anotambudzika pakati penyu ngaanamate kwete kutsvaga maporofita. Muchadirwa weti nekubatwa zvibharo nemhaka yenyu yekutsvaga rubetsero. Those who are lazy to pray to God are after these false prophets and money meant to raise their families is being taken daily by false prophets.

Men who are abusing their wives either physically or sexually are exposing them to false prophets who are now in the habit of touching their private parts in unholy prayers. Iwe mukadzi unorega muporofita achikubata garo rako nepatriotic front yako hauzive kuti inokosha here kana magaro achivava kwizira padombo kwete kungokotamira varume vese vese.’ 

He challenged youth to remain faithful and prayerful if they are to achieve what has been bestowed in them by God bemoaning girls who are losing their virginity in exchange for food.

“Girls must know that our parents can be rich by receiving lobola if you do not allow these lustful men vanemeso anenge emapere ekuparadza vanana. Mombe dzeroora dzinobva pamaparts ako emuviri. Mazamu ako maviri imombe mbiri, chipfuva chako imwe mombe, makumbo ako maviri dzimwe mombe dzimwe ndedzepa patriotic front apa hapafanirwa kungovhurirwa wese wese sedoor rahwindi rekuti chero anoda pakadoma anonzi 25 cents.’

Evangelist Kapandura also turned his message to attack prostitutes describing them as enemies of life who are after destroying families and taking people to graves.

“Prostitutes must turn to God. There is nothing to boast about being a prostitute because they are catalysts of death and all who look for them are heading to graves. Away with prostitutes and those men and women who are engaging in adultery because they are after their own good forgetting about their children.’

He added:

“Harlots used to hook men for sex during the night but these days their eyes are darkened to hook men during the day stealing money for school fees, buying vehicles, building homes and for our daily meals. These days too we are experiencing male prostitutes who are starting ministries in the name of prophets to collect money from desperate people and end up raping them.

Taneta nekuverenga mumapepa nekunzwa mumaradio zvemaporofita arikubata zvibharo. They end up denying the allegations but why are they not being accused of selling tobacco or selling liquor only to rape women. The nation must be very careful with these self-ordained pastors and prophets because some of them are being trained for few months by those after money.’

Apostle Kapandura, who has degrees in Theology, Administration, and Philosophy, is set to take the gospel to Mozambique this week after a successful mission in South Africa last week.

Asked if he has faced any challenge in the ministry over his explicit language in preaching or any other challenge, Apostle Kapandura said a soldier does not face challenges since he is trained to undergo difficulties and come out a winner.

Check out one of his video below.

Source: Hmetro

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