All Hail The Heir Apparent

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 “ Mic check 1..2 Soko Matemai”  You should know who dropped those lines, the future of Zim Hip Hop as fate would have it. Lo and behold the reign of Soko is nigh. Ladies and Gentleman let’s hear it for Sharky who might just be the hardest working man in town and last Thursday was harvesting day for him.

Sharky won the Award for Best Album at the Zim Hip Hop Awards for his Soko Matemai offering. Forget Stunner’s PSA, Soko Matemai was by far the best hip hop album this year. It was a work of art with all elements of Hip Hop with that African feel oozing from every track.

With all the live shows that this young gun has been performing at this year which include UnPlugged and Shoko Festival, things are looking set for him for next year. Sharky should make sure he keeps this momentum going. Its moments like these which make stars and it’s up to him to seize it or lose it.

“This is definitely one of the most precious moments in  my career. I am surrounded by people who believe in me so much. This award is more for them than for me. All I want is to make music that resonates with people on a personal level you know, inspire people. So to get recognition for doing something that you already enjoy doing is a bonus, and it’s a really good feeling. It still hasn’t sunk in, it hasn’t really hit me, but I guess that on record now this means that in 2016, my team and I had the best hip hop album in Zimbabwe. It’s a good feeling. We are now looking at ways to use this award as a springboard for greater things to come as well,” Sharky told #ENTHUSE.

The story of this young man is truly amazing and to say that he got to the people without getting much airplay on radio is proof that he means business. Monkey business!  This is an achievement some artists might try to emulate rather than slander. Put in the work, the rewards will come.



Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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