About The Willis Wataffi Ngaavongwe Music Video

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The single ‘Ngaavongwe’ by Willis Wataffi starts with a rhythmic and engaging tone of instrumentals and humming that compels you to go on listening.  The single features Pastor G and newcomer Abraham Abdul who both have dynamic and strong voice projection. The song has simple lyrical content that is all age group appropriate, almost everyone can relate to as it is a special prayer for Zimbabwe, praising and asking for God to do well unto the country.

The video is definitely creative, bearing Afro-cultural features while the song’s chorus are both melodious and soul soothing.  Willis Wataffi is a popular afro-fusion artiste and the founder of Qaya Mentorship initiatives. Wataffi gained fame when he was the lead singer of the group Africa Revenge. However he has since gone solo as the group split in 2007, he has released top hits like ‘Rusambo’ and ‘Nzira masanga’ as a solo artist. Watch ‘Ngaavongwe’ and tell us what you think.

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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