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Society has shunned, scorned and shamed women for their periods, a process which is a natural process, an anatomical makeup.  Repeatedly men have said extremely offensive words when describing this occurrence with some terming women as disgusting for being on their periods. Clearly there’s a need for a few extra lessons in Biology! Young girls grow up with the fear and shame of their male classmates knowing that they are on their periods because it has for too many times led to them being called out and dressed down in public.

The message we are clearly sending is; “Little Black girl, your body is shameful, the nature of your body’s involuntary actions is shameful, you child are a shame! “

Is this the messaging a generation such as ours can stand for, justify or overlook ? Do we really want to actively participate in the shattering of young women’s self-esteems because we the stereotypical men think that it’s disgusting for a woman to be a woman and have a monthly discharge from their uterus?

Over and above the standard level of Period Shaming there are  girls and young women who go through even worse. After being humiliated for being on their periods the emotional blows are doubled by the fact that they do not have the necessity that is proper sanitary wear.

In Rural Areas especially, some girls use rags which are neither effective nor hygienic. The very cost of Sanitary Wear is too high for these low income earning families.  Ignorance and well watered stereotypes make s that the fathers would rather be drunk rather than have a subsidy for their daughter’s Sanitary Wear.

Some even fail to go to work when they are on their cycle. This is a situation that should not be occurring at all. NGOs such as Girl r’ Us and All About Love Trust Zim are trying to make sure that the young ladies get some decent pads to use on their cycle.


Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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