Let Me Explain: ‘Free The Moan’

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Deep in the jungle of mango trees and pee stained walls forming a narrow alley conjoining two very dusty ‘roads’. The smell of sewage so raw it almost seems as if people are really taking a dump outside. The city council does not fix this in time, yet the people still sit on the shank and flush it away, only to face the product of their bowels right outside their doorstep. Karma! This is the jungle I live in, the ghetto, the hood, kasi, kuRokesheni!

Amidst all this chaos and foul smell, the huge chunk of Harare’s population, lives and breeds here. Some of you might question the use of ‘breed’, but if you really calculate the number of children people have in these parts, you might note that the government has a very sad case of overpopulation on their hands. It’s all smiles and laughter when over 20 people emerge from a 7 roomed house and you hear that they all live there. More than 5 families each sharing a room each. The landlord probably out of the country or the type that gave up on the city life and decided to go to the basics of feeding of the land. VeKumusha!

Now that you all understand how fucked up it all is, let me make your day worse by returning to the main issue here, ‘breeding’! In a house in which a room is shared by an average of three people, matters of the sack become a big issue. Human has been known to be sexual beings and with the current shortage of blankets in some households, the human flesh becomes the next best thing. However, sex is supposed to be a freeing act right? A commune between two people, a playground of love where all senses are unlocked and the body freed. Right? Women have a different way to express this, Let me explain quickly!

Most women find that moaning in pleasure further arouses their partners, hence they have incorporated this into their sexual acts. Even a prostitute will moan in an attempt to give you a good experience or most honestly so that you can bust a nut quickly and she can proceed to her next customer! Now people, how do you moan in a room with a third wheeler? It might be your child but the moans might wake them up. Beyond just your room, most houses are separated by a one brick thick wall, which means that any a funny cough in the middle of the night might awaken your neighbor in the next room. Let’s say the woman moans hard and you guys enjoy your five minutes of heaven, how do you face your housemates in the morning when you know very well that you might have disturbed some people in their sleep and also aroused a few members of the resident bachelors. How do you greet a person in the morning when they know how you moan when it’s deep inside your womb? Hectic right?

This leaves me with one question. How do you enjoy sex, or even manage to have five children in the bondage of being a lodger?  Is the sex even good? I will leave this to you guys! Reply in the comments section which I will most likely not read because data is too expensive or I might just be on the road, looking for a back room in the suburbs. Ciao!



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