‘Mozambicans listen to Zimbabwean Music A lot… They Really Appreciate Our Music,’ Mhere Reflects on Beira & Chimoio Shows

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High-flying Gospel musician, Mathias Mhere, is fresh off his Mozambican swing and this week the singer shared his thoughts, memories and reflections of the Portuguese-speaking country to the lucky friends at the daily tabloid Newsday.

Mhere, who performed at two packed shows with a full band at a certain church conference, revealed that the gigs showed him that there was a significant degree of appreciation of local gospel music in the neighbouring country.

Accordingly, the visit was Mhere’s third date with Mozambique, but his debut in Beira and sophomore in Chimoio.

“The response was good, just like when we performed in Chimoio. We filled up the  stadium. For Beira, it was a different experience. I  thought  they  didn’t even  know our  music.” he said.

Mhere said the gospel music extravaganza was the closing note of a church conference and they were enraptured by the response to their performance.

“Mozambicans listen to Zimbabwean music a lot. Some were even singing along, but Shona is not their language. Sometimes, they even sang along to some songs word for word. They really appreciate our music and listen to it a lot,” he said.

Mhere, who recently launched his seventh album Panogara Nyasha, said among the songs that the Mozambican fans sang along to, were tracks from the albums Anoita Munana and Nhamo Yekuzvipa such as Double Double, Makorokoza Muchechi, Chipostora and Vimba NaJehovha.

Mhere first played in the seaside country about four years ago, with great mnemonic shows in Manica and Chimoio.

Mhere’s previous albums include Tinoda Nyasha, Anoita Minana, Nguva YeNyasha and Glory to Glory.

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