Natasha & Chiedza: Advocating for Society To Embrace It!

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How many times do you find determined young Africans who have a passion to change the thinking of their peers? Young  ladies who would push social boundaries to discuss topical issues that even their elders would rather shelf and forget!  It was via a referral from a very good friend that we managed to meet these two very inspirational African creative Princesses, Natasha Mawera and Chiedza Mashonganyika. Natasha is an all round arts person with interests in Spoken Word, Photography and Theatre whilst Chiedza mantains that she has a passion for Poetry (which she does not share!) and theatre.

These former Arundel School students were irked by the way society keeps on ‘swiping left’ when it comes to really crucial issues. Their project is called Embrace It Movement and it has already stated to create a global conversation. Yes! Global!

The Embrace It Movement follows a pattern of discussing an theme each week and as the first post claims it will go on for 7 weeks and its already on its fourth. Already they have gone through Albinism, Autism, Mental Health and Racial/Cultural Diversity. These discussions are held via a blog and each issue gets a curator who gives their opinion on it.

Image: Embrace It Movement

Away from the online space Natasha and Chiedza are hosting workshops in High Schools and they have managed to get a conversation going on.

“We are all human and we need to realize that everyone should be respected on the basis of being human,” Chiedza enthused.

In a world which is seeking universal peace, in a continent trying to find its feet and in a country full of millennials trying to find their true identity, these young ladies are trying to change society stereotypes one group at a time. One of the issues they highlighted on was that of culture versus universal law. In all the themes they have gone through, the African society has a different view to dealing with them and it appears as stigma or derogatory comments.  Their blog already has a global audience with engagement from as far as South America!

Natasha told us that they are not planning on just stopping at the blog and school workshops. Embrace It Movement might become one of the leading opinion platforms with these determine ladies leading it. Their dreams are big and they should get all the support they need.



Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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