The Case Of Stephen Hawking: Is it Christian to Claim that He’s Burning in Hell Now? 

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Last week we woke up to the news that the most brilliant English theoretical Physicist and firebrand Atheist of our time Stephen Hawking, has died at the age 76.

And yes, a vocal atheist he was many religious people have been using his tragedy to promote their own beliefs with many blatantly claiming that he has already met his judgement and is now burning in hell.

Surprisingly, as heartbreaking and extreme this may appear, it is not coming from just random trolls, but from people of high religious standing, people who are Christ-like.

American State Rep. from Texas Briscoe Cain offered his condolences, but not before one final jab at Hawking’s life.

He didn’t take it back when a local reporter asked about it, either, insisting that his goal was to remind everybody about eternal hellfire.

Asked about the etiquette of trolling the recently deceased, Cain told the American-Statesman,

“I am sympathetic for his family’s loss. Losing a loved one is difficult for everyone. My prayers are with them.”

But, Cain continued,

“While many see him as one of the greatest public intellectuals of the last century, and no one disputes that he was brilliant, the fact remains that God exists. My tweet was to show the gravity of the Gospel and what happens when we die, namely, that we all will one day meet the Creator of the universe face to face.”

He’s not alone. Here’s a sampling of what other religious people are saying:

R.I.P. Stephen Hawking.

May he now have answered the question of why it is that we and the universe exist.

May he now know the mind of God.

— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) March 14, 2018

Just saw the news that Stephen Hawking died. This is sad because now he will meet the God he denied. It is sad because he will spend eternity without God. And it is sad because there are millions more just like him that need Jesus. Let this spur us on to share the gospel.

— Todd Tucker (@ToddLTucker) March 14, 2018

It’s a sad day. A brilliant mind discovered how wrong he was about many things. Stephen Hawking is no longer an atheist.

— Lindsey Fescoe (@LindseyFescoe) March 14, 2018

Stephen Hawking is burning in Hell. Funny, his final thoughts were that he was going to enter eternal darkness. But when he woke up, he found himself before the Lord, his soul judged by him to be tortured for all eternity in the realm of Satan.

— Alexander Layko (@alexlayko) March 14, 2018

So the biggest question is, isn’t this too extreme for Christians to say? Say it is not, is it our job to decide who burns and who lives, or our job rather is to spread the good message about Jesus with love and respect? Doesn’t this display of such a bluntness paint us as a heartless and uncaring community, to say the least?

This also goes without saying that as human beings are we not supposed to subscribe to that clause in the natural law of humanity that admonishes us not to speak terribly of the deceased?

Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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