27 March or 8 April: When Will #Coronavirus End? A Case of Two Prophecies

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With only hours left to get to March 27, it’s only a matter of time until COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus strain, loosen up its grips on the world for good, if top Nigerian cleric Prophet T. B. Joshua’s prophecy is anything to go by.

The founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) put his credibility on the line earlier this month when he predicted that the dreaded viral disease will go away by itself on the 27th.

Preaching to his followers during a service that was broadcasted on his Emmanuel TV, the famous man of the cloth mentioned the end of March 2020 specifically as the time the novel virus will go away at its own will, saying the power of medicine cannot remedy the situation because it was not a medicine that brought it.

“I came out at the beginning of this year saying last year will end in March, and the year will continue to be very fearful till this month [March]. This month, 27th, it will be over. By the end of this month, whether we like it or not – no matter the medicine they might have produced to cure whatever, it will go the way it came.

“If it is not a medicine that brought this to the world, medicine cannot take it out. It will go the way it came,” T. B. Joshua declared.

Lately, the cleric has also been urging people not to give the virus power over them by overrating it, citing that believers “must never fear what kills the body only”.

Ironically, it has been reported that the SCOAN leader has joined other churches in suspending the upcoming Sunday service in an effort to help curb the spread of Covid-19. He said he would deliver sermons virtually through his Emmanuel TV which has over 1.6 million subscribers.

“There will be no gathering this Sunday and Monday. Meet TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV at the usual time of the Sunday Service. TB Joshua and his team will pray with you and counsel you as you and your family watch Emmanuel TV. Distance is not a barrier. A good Christian is a good citizen. Thank you for your obedience,” reads a statement issued by his Church.

Sounds suspicious? One would have thought that since the man of God has said that the virus will end on the 27th of March, then he should not have joined the bandwagon of cancelling worship services.

Anywho, there has arisen another prophet who has pushed the date to the 8th of next month.

Apparently Prophet Ian Genesis, the General Overseer of Charisma Ministries International in Zambia, wrote on his official Facebook platform on the 24th that the Lord told him that Covid-19 would “disappear” in fourteen days.

“The lord said in the live Prophecy about COVID-19 that we should pray for South Africa because it will have the highest number in Africa and it has come to pass. South Africa has even ordered a lock down.

The lord said we should pray more for Spain not Italy and as we speak Spain is increasing in numbers while Italy is reducing.

The lord said America doesn’t have the cure hence let them go to China for the cure,that too will come to pass.

The lord said within 14days Corona will disappear,that too will come to pass. The lord has spoken. Am giving direction,I pray the world hears.Am still in prayers will update you on what God is saying(sic),” wrote Prophet Genesis.

With the clock drawing closer to both days, expectations and euphoria are high in people across the world for T.B Joshua and Prophet Genesis’ prophecies to come to pass as the pandemic continues to infect more people and claim lives.

By Thursday 17: 02, the virus has infected 503,274 people and killed 22,342, according to Worldometers.com.

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