Please Help Save Mae’s Life

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My name is Mae Munesu Gwaze, I was born on the 28th of May 2017. I developed jaundice a day after I was born.

My mother was told that I had prolonged jaundice which was a cause for concern. I had a series of tests done and they discovered that I do not have gallbladder. I had to go for surgery on the 10th of August 2017 and subsequent liver biopsy, it was confirmed that I do not have bile ducts and I have liver Cirrhosis consistent with Biliary Atresia. I have a big tummy because my liver is inflamed. I need a new liver because mine is not working properly.

My Liver Transplant is to be done in India at Apollo Hospital and it is costing $56 200 but our medical aid is only paying $18 000 for me and the balance will be $38 200 which is a lot of money that we do not have.

We are required to stay in India for three months for the surgery. After surgery, I am supposed to be on Immuno-suppressants which will help my body not rejected the new liver.

We need your financial assistance for the surgery, medication, flights and accommodation in order for me to get a new liver in India. Thank you in advance for the help you will give us.

Eco Cash 0782 300 200

For details you may get in touch with Rumbidzai Gwaze (my mum) 0772 907 489 or Fortunate Zvinongoza 0772 265 376 /04 740196 0r 04 740185 or Dr Makuni 0772 933 542


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