Song Review: “Misodzi” by Wyan
Voice2Rep is a groundbreaking platform that aims to discover, develop and showcase the vocal talents of Zimbabwean youth. Now in its third year, this year’s cohort features 13 young men and women who have written and recorded songs about social ills that are affecting all of us in our communities. The project was born of a collaboration between Accountability Lab and the Magamba Network.
Wyan delivers one of the best tracks on the Vakuru album with his track “Misodzi”. This is one of the three bonus tracks on the compilation produced by luminary, Simba Tagz. Hugely atmospheric, the song begins evocatively and you hear the plaintive Wyan talking about the harsh lives that people are living in this country right now. Wyan says, “I make music for the sake of helping my people (from the ghetto). I bring awareness about what’s going on in our country.”
Wyan opens all his tracks with the chant, Nyanduri a call out to his poetic style, what he calls ‘Rapdetembovibes’. “Misodzi” follows other tracks such as “Better Hupenyu” from the Voice2Rep 2021 album Power which also calls for a better life for long-suffering Zimbabweans. Talking about his music, Wyan says, “I try to be therapeutic about my music by using it for healing and mood-enlightening to the people who are going through the most.”

“Misodzi” is an unforgettable song, by an artist who is clearly grown in his craft. A previous Voice2Rep participant and winner, Wyan says he is inspired by what he sees in low income communities.
“Misodzi highlights poor service delivery faced by the people living in the ghetto.
This is not just a song, it’s a soundtrack to poverty and all the hardships caused by poor services. More so, the song speaks against drug use and prostitution which has increased because of unemployment and limited opportunities. It also speaks against women-based violence.”
It is certainly true that life is hard for all Zimbabweans right now, and it is true that there are not many ways in which youth can express themselves freely. But Wyan expresses this sentiment so poetically, it can only be a balm in this time of hardship.
You can listen to this track and more on the “Vakuru” compilation album on streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube) or by sending a message to +27600806146 on Whatsapp.