12 Common Types of Pastors Found In Zimbabwean Churches Today

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Since the beginning of the 20th Century epoch, the Zimbabwean society has seen the rise of innumerable church denominations, whether indigenous or exotic.

Worthy-noting about this mass revolution of faith is that it also brought about various ministers of the word and pastors, who interestingly, differ in character, dressing and what they preach about. Many of these pastors are concerned about leading sinners to Christ, others, however, have been painted as mere gospereneurs who are more interested in making fortune and fame.

Just like the saying, different strokes for different folks, our pastors have different things that appeal to them and act in different ways. So, we have put up twelve common types of pastors you will find in Zimbabwe.

Please note that this list isn’t a parody or mockery of the men of cloth, but just an observation we think might help the Christian community to understand our shepherds better.

The Prophets
These ones always have one prophecy or the other. They claim to see everything before it happens, from an economic meltdown to deaths of high officials, debt cancellations and everything else that’s there to prophesy about. Whether it come to pass or not…

Fasting & Prayer Warriors
These pastors can fast and pray in ways we could never understand.  They are always having one prayer conference or the other every now and then. They do prayer camps in mountains and caves. They fast for days, weeks, months and even years. They believe that prayer unlocks everything and all their enemies have to die by an unquenchable fire. Believers run to them in time of spiritual warfare.

The Miracle Workers
We are always looking for one miracle or the other and we would rush to any church where we hear the pastor is powerful. This type of pastors do wonders and in recent times most of these pastors make a lot of money from their followers who would pay any amount for miracle whether its from God or not.

The Most Pious Ones
These ones are commonly termed the holier than thous. They would condemn everything from dressing, makeup, music to hairstyle. Everything is a sin to them.

The Grammarians
These ones can speak the English language properly with barely any syntax deviations or solecisms. Sure, some of the church members would be checking the dictionary to understand what the pastor is saying.  Other than reiterating traditional Biblical phases, at least they can come up with their own lines, the ones that will tickle their congregants.

The Funky Ones
By their dressing and actions, you shall know them. They wear designer suits, shoes, wristwatches and drive the latest cars.

The Political Ones
These ones talk more about politics than the word. They are so up-to-date on whatever is blowing in the political wind. They mingle and dine with politicians. They are in the news for more political issues that things that have to do with the church.

The Businessmen
These set of pastors are entrepreneurs who own a vast business empire worth thousands of dollars. They own schools, manufacturing companies and are unapologetic about their material wealth.

The Silent Ones
They don’t shout while preaching, rather, they talk quietly. They are hardly ever in the news. They rarely make public speeches.

The Money Chasers
These ones became pastors just to make money. They always find a way of milking their congregants. Their sermons are always about giving and, now that the public has brought it up, they flood the media with their adverts. They sell trivial products at ridiculously high prices.

The Leaders
These ones push their congregants to be leaders in society. Very good motivational speakers and are always referred to as spiritual fathers or advisers.

The Ones Who Assault Their Members
Some pastors sleep with their members in the name of deliverance.

Which one of these types is your pastor?

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