Chinamasa Appointed to SADC Panel of Elders

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Southern African development community (SADC) has appointed Patrick Chinamasa and Ambassador Andrew H Mtetwa to the Mediation and Conflict Prevention and Preventative Diplomacy structure following the organization’s 41st Ordinary Summit held last year in Lilongwe Malawi.

Chinamasa and Mtetwa will join the Panel of Elders and Mediation Reference Group respectively within the structure that is aimed at strengthening SADC’s mediation capacities and timeously pre-empt violent conflicts.

In a press statement, spokesperson in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Livit Mugejo said, “Their (Chinamasa and Mtetwa) appointments are testimony to Zimbabwe’s ability to produce distinguished regional leaders.”

The two Zimbabweans will serve SADC for a term of four years each ending in August 2025.

Chinamasa, once a former Minister during Robert Mugabe and the current regime, will be joining four other former heads of state and government Ministers in the SADC region.

Mtetwa, the current Senior lecturer at the National Defense College and former Ambassador of Zimbabwe will join eight other former ambassadors and high-level officials on the Mediation Reference Group

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