Poetry : Solitary Empire

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I hide myself in my own Great Enclosure
Tired of seeking attention and exposure
I need no support for this one-man empire
Seeking to inspire but choose to retire
Why should I connect to many objects
Never paying attention to what they project
Learn as I fall off the edge to get knowledge
Ignorance reveals the truth so I pledge
To go where many shun and fear
Never to be in bondage of what is dear
Through the birth of enemies from my friends
A Jezebel lies to be a Ruth. Bitches love to pretend
So leave me alone in the darkness, my home
My sovereignty.
My Great Zimbabwe.
My Rome
With their fake lights they badly wire
As I rule myself in my Solitary Empire

Simbarashe Mashambanaka

Simbarashe Mashambanaka

Simba started in 2001 writing rap lyrics and in 2010 started writing scripts and poetry. In 2014 wrote and directed a short film called The One Night Stand with Invision. Continued writing with a collection of poems called The Thirteen in 2018 which are yet to be published. Have been writing comedy scripts for Edgar Langeveldt since 2012. Currently writing movie scripts, rap lyrics and poetry while working for the family business.

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