The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe is a parastatal meant to foster the growth of Professional Arts in Zimbabwe.
If you’ve read us in the past you’d we’ve had our fair share of questions and uncertainties.
From 50 shades of shady award nominations to hazy dysfunctionalities in responsibilities, activities or otherwise. In the body’s defence, it has struggled with the familiar matters plaguing Arts in Zimbabwe, Funding and Corporate Governance.
Earlier this year, long time serving director Elvas Mare stepped down in what we assumed was caused by the changing political tide. Right on cue, during the week when Zimbabwe’s Presidential fate is to be proverbially sealed; we got word of a not-so-new man in town.
Mr Nicholas Moyo is the Director of the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe with effect from this August 2018 with a five-year contract until the 31st of July 2023.

Mr Moyo joined National Arts Council of Zimbabwe in 2000 as the Provincial Arts Administrator for Bulawayo and Matabeleland North. He then rose to Assistant Director Arts Promotion and Development in December 2006. Thereafter, he was appointed the Deputy Director of the National Arts Council and has been for the past seven years.
As the Founding Director of Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo; Mr Moyo has over 25 years of continuous experience in arts management with 12 years at senior management level.
In a statement, on the long list of mammoth tasks, Mr Moyo is to undertake a massive turn around of the state entity;
“the Director will be expected to lead the management team and to galvanize support for implementation of the new Strategic Plan to transform the Arts Council into a net revenue generator and financial contributor, not only to the development of the arts and culture sector in Zimbabwe but also to employment generation and gross domestic product.”
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