What If She Is The ‘Breadwinner’?

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A small section of an interview caused an uproar and almost broke the internet, as Zimbabweans came up with hilarious memes and jokes. Those who watched Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa interviewing rapper Stunner live on Facebook, definitely know what I am talking about. When asked if his wife is the breadwinner, Stunner in all cockiness replied, “ Bread only costs a dollar!”

According to the Webster’s Dictionary, a breadwinner is one whose earnings are the primary source of support for their dependents. Meaning in financial matters that person is the head of the family and pays for most of the bills. In our African setup, men are viewed as the heads of families and basically the breadwinners. That has been the case since the Stone Age, but the dynamics are changing. Gender roles keep shifting and with emergence of women as a force to reckon with in any industry, it’s safe to assume the normal just became the abnormal!

In the rant that went viral on all social networks, Olinda Chideme nee Chapel claimed that she was paying the rent for the house Stunner was living in and also that all the cars he has driven were bought by her. Most of us went on a rampage calling Stunner a golddiger and also less a man for allowing a woman to take care of him. If a relationship is ultimately a team is it wrong for the woman to take care of the financial needs?

It starts from small things such as paying the bill at a restaurant or buying gifts from a partner. If a woman has money to spend on her man, should she stop because society will then judge her man to be weak and a leech? In  the age of gender equality and the erasure of gender roles, surely a woman taking care of the man should be normal.

However some of the so called feminists are the first to bash men who are being taken care of by the partners. Aren’t we supposed to embrace the fact  that a woman can make more money than her partner and find the need to take care of things, financially? It’s sad that some of the very people who complain that men don’t view them as equals go on to engage in activities contrary to their views.

Gentleman, would you feel comfortable if you are living a house which your wife bought, driving a car that she bought and eating the food that she does? I personally would not have a problem. After all in Stunner’s words, “Its ours!”

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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