A Short Rant About Trevor Dongo’s Epic Fail

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Trevor it would seems had an eventful weekend. After Charles Manyuchi’s knockout win on Friday I guess every Zimbabwean felt as if they were invincible for a couple of seconds. Unfortunately, one of us (maybe two considering the statements) thought that they could beat up anybody. Word in the street is, Trevor Dongo got into a scuffle during the weekend with a Chigunduru (street kid) at the Fife Avenue shops Harare. Apparently the other guy had snatched Trevor’s groceries and the artist chose to try and exercise some civic justice.

Now the problem is not the fact that Trevor got into a fight and ended up making everyone’s day with the epic fail of the week, it is that he misled us from the start. So this guy posts pictures in karategi (karate uniform) right?! OK, I’m not judging him but gathering from what I saw from that video, karate is something he has never done. It is saddening to admit that Trevor has been flexing (quite literally) with lies on the internet people. There is no show of Japanese tradition in that fight but just two guys pulling each other’s tees. I’m disappointed and a little heartbroken because I (and by I mean we) believed that Trevor could really kick some ass!

Rumour has it that he was accompanied by a lady at the time and all I’m thinking is how  the hell would you initiate a fight and then receive an ass whooping in front of your ‘female friend’? Where is the dignity fam? You are a celebrity and you are out here brawling in public like a tout!  You have street cred to protect. Hell, we would still think you had a black belt if you hadn’t fought Trevor!

I’m also disappointed in the bystanders who just watched the farce of a fight. They could have stopped this fight and maybe, just maybe also NOT filmed it. But anyway, it poured for Trevor and we do wish him a speedy recovery in all areas,more so for the ladies.

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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