ICT Minister Launches US$ 800 K Telone Network Operating Center

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ICT, Postal and Courier Service Minister, Jenfan Muswere has today officially opened an US$850 thousand Network Operating Centre (NOC), a facility used to support the infrastructure and services offered to clients. The facility involves detecting and resolving service incidents and issues thereby assisting in the reduction of the network downtime.
NOC is an output of Telone’s National Broadband Project (NBB1) Modernisation Project funded under the China Exim Bank US$98 million loan facility anchored by the Government to Government arrangements between Zimbabwe and China.
The Minister said NOC means Telone is able to guarantee its own business into the future.

“Indeed, this is an important milestone in so far as it also harnesses our Government’s drive to enhance our ICTs as a driver of our national development and economic turn-around agenda,” he said.
“I have no doubt that with this project and several others which have already been launched Telone has already set itself on the right path to contribute to a far-reaching impact towards the attainment of national Vision 2013.”

Giving welcome remarks during the launch, Telone Managing Director Chipo Mtasa the NOC project came about as an expansion of the scope after realising some surplus from one of the sub-projects.

She said, ” “From this surplus, the National Operations Centre was prioritised as Telone is emphasizing client experience as a way to argument the new technologies that we are deploying and the general performance of the business.”
“It has enabled us to move away from the reactionary approach to more proactive support of services especially as NOC takes advantage of the converged systems and services.”
“As we gather here today, for us Telone, this is a celebration of the marked improvements client support and service delivery which the24/7 network surveillance and 360-degree view of the performance of network which this facility has enabled since we started using it end of last year, Mtasa went on.

The Minister commended Telone in improving its network infrastructure.

“Furthermore, Industry 4.0 technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Internet of Things, an Big Data Analytics among others are the reality of the new economy and Government has clearly defined these as key to our transformation both under the immediate Economic Stabilization Plan and the already mentioned Vision 2030,” Muswere said.
“It, therefore, gives me great pleasure to see Telone making great strides to ensure the realisation of network modernisation thus putting us on the world map.”

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